
IMPORTANT NOTE: please always keep your details up to date and do not forget to pay your annual membership fee. To check that your details are correct please go to your profile. If you need help, please read the Instructions


Our journal was launched in 2007. The journal is published by Elsevier B.V. in affiliation with our society. All members have access to the online versions as part of their membership benefits. Please go to Journal access for direct online access.

Travel bursaries to attend the ISFG congresses

The ISFG offers up to 10 travel bursaries for young scientists below the age of 35 years, who have submitted an abstract, to attend the biannually held International ISFG Congresses. All details on the application procedure can be found in the Terms of Reference for Congress Travel Bursaries.

ISFG Short Term Fellowship program

The ISFG offers short term travel fellowships for scientists to support transnational exchange visits between collaborating research groups for specific projects related to forensic genetics. For details, see Members Area/Peter M. Schneider ISFG Fellowships.

Other information

Looking for other members in your area? Use the member search function and a city/state/country filter. Please proceed to the education tab for access to recent workshop presentations.

Use of the ISFG logo in private websites

The executive board has published guidelines for the ISFG members to comply with the statutes of the ISFG. In particular, the use of the ISFG logo and the reference to the ISFG membership on a commercial website, and to the participation in proficiency testing exercises organized by one of the ISFG working groups has been addressed.

Invitiation to host an ISFG congress

The "Terms of reference" for hosting the next ISFG World Congress contain detailed instructions about the requirements for the local organizers. Any ISFG member interested to take responsibility for organizing one of the next congresses should consult these Terms of reference and contact via email to board@isfg.org.

Last modified 1 month and 2 days ago by Cíntia Alves
