International ISFG Conferences

Next ISFG Congress

31st International Congress 2026 ­ Montreal, Canada
President: Diane Seguin
August 17 ­ 21, 2026
ISFG 2026 Homepage

Previous Congresses

  • 18th Congress 1999: San Francisco
    President: Prof. Dr. G. Sensabaugh
    Invitiation Flyer
Isfg1991_mainz_dinner_thumb Gala Dinner
  • 13th Congress 1989: New Orleans
    President: Dr. H. Polesky
  • 12th Congress 1987: Wien
    President: Prof. Dr. W. R. Mayr
  • 11th Congress 1985: Copenhagen
    President: Dr. K. Henningsen
  • 10th Congress 1983: München
    Presidents: Prof. Dr. Dr. F. Schwarzfischer and Dr. A. G. Gathof
  • 9th Congress 1981: Bern
    President: Prof. Dr. R. Bütler
  • 8th Congress 1979: London
    Presidents: Dr. B. Dodd and Prof. Dr. C. P Engelfriet
  • 7th Congress 1977: Hamburg
    President: Prof. Dr. H. H. Hoppe
  • 6th Congress 1975: Innsbruck
    President: Prof. Dr. H. Reissigl
  • 5th Congress 1973: Amsterdam
    Presidents: Prof. Dr. J.-J. van Loghem and Prof. Dr. C. P. Engelfriet
  • 4th Congress 1972: Trier
    President: Prof. Dr. H. Leithoff
  • 3rd Congress 1971: Mainz
    President: Prof. Dr. H. Leithoff
  • 2nd Congress 1970: Freiburg
    President: Prof. Dr. K. Hummel
  • 1st Congress 1969: Lübeck
    Presidents: Prof. Dr. Dr. W. Zimmermann and Prof. Dr. M. Krüpe

Last modified 4 months and 12 days ago by Cíntia Alves