Canine DNA Profiling Group

The Canine DNA Profiling (CaDNAP) group is striving for harmonization of canine DNA analysis. The group developed (Eichmann et al. 2004; Hellmann et al. 2006) and validated a canine-specific STR panel according to forensic standards defined by the ISFG (Berger et al. 2014). Additionally, a mitochondrial DNA analysis for canids was developed (Eichmann and Parson 2007). Both of these methods are now being successfully applied to support law enforcement dealing with casework involving canids. To ensure the validity of results obtained with these two methods, CaDNAP offers proficiency testing.

Proficiency testing

CaDNAP offers proficiency testing for canine STR genotyping and mtDNA analysis (see Cadnap-PT-Manual /files/Cadnap-PT-Manual.pdf). The next proficiency test will take place in 2025/2026. The exact details will be announced in June 2025. The proficiency test is organized by Nadja Vera Morf (contact details see below).


CaDNAP has used the dog as “gateway species” to enter the field of non-human DNA typing, hence the name CaDNAP, but meanwhile the group performs research and developmental validation studies involving a wide range of animal and plant species. Although the main focus of CaDNAP still lies on companion animals, also other domesticated or even wild species are frequently encountered in forensic casework. Therefore, the scope of CaDNAP broadened to various applications including for example individual identification of roe deer, cats, cannabis and oak trees or genetic species identification of unknown traces found at crime scenes.


CaDNAP was founded in 2003 by members of the Institute of Legal Medicine, Medical University of Innsbruck (GMI) and the Forensic Science Institute of the German Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) as a collaborative research project. The Institute of Veterinary Pathology, Justus-Liebig-University, Giessen joined in 2008 and the Zurich Institute of Forensic Medicine, University of Zurich followed in 2015. In 2017 CaDNAP became a working group of ISFG.
The group always welcomes new participants. Please contact the CaDNAP secretary Martina Unterländer (contact details see below).
Further information about CaDNAP can be found at the group's homepage


President and proficiency test organizer
Nadja Vera Morf
Universität Zürich
Institut für Rechtsmedizin
Forensische Genetik
Winterthurerstrasse 190/52
8057 Zürich
Phone +41 44 635 57 16
Martina Unterländer
65173 Wiesbaden

Publications of CaDNAP

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Last modified 4 months and 17 days ago by Dr. Lourdes Prieto Solla