Fellowship Awards

ISFG Short Term Fellowhips awarded in 2023

Recipient Coming from Visiting at Topic Report
Elena I. Zavala University of California, Berkeley, (USA) Department of Forensic Medicine / University of Copenhagen (Denmark) Human DNA recovery from burial soils for HID casework Report
Mariano Guardado Escuela Nacional de Ciencias Forenses/UNAM (Mexico) Institute of Legal Medicine/Medical University of Innsbruck (Austria) Phylogenetic analysis of mtDNA genome haplotypes sequenced by NGS of Mexican mestizo population Report
Martin Bodner Institute of Legal Medicine/ Innsbruck (Austria) Netherlands Forensic Institute (NFI), The Hague (Netherlands) STRNaming and STRidER
Daniel Fernández Ferres Poder Judicial de la provincial de San Juan (Argentina) Instituto de Ciencias Forenses (INCIFOR), Universidad de Santiago de Compostela (Spain) Microhaplotypes Report
Erik Bergseth Oslo University Hospital (Norway) National Boards of Forensic Medicine (NBFM), Linköping (Sweden) Hybridization capture technologies
Laura Carrara School of Criminal Justice, University of Lausanne (Switzerland) Center for Human Identification, University of North Texas (USA) DIP-STRs analyzed by MPS and application of STRait Razor Report
Maria Seidel Institute of Legal Medicine of Kiel (Germany) Institute of Forensic Medicine, University of Zurich (Switzerland) mRNA profiling for identification of body fluids Report
Marcin Tomsia Medical University of Silesia (Poland) Instituto de Ciencias Forenses (INCIFOR), Universidad de Santiago de Compostela (Spain) Methylation patterns in cartilage for the development of forensic age estimation markers Report
Camila Tamburrini IdeGen IDEAus-CONICET (Argentina) University of Oregon (USA) Investigative genetic genealogy (IGG) in underrepresented populations Report
Natasha Arora Zurich Institute of Forensic Medicine (Switzerland) FISABIO-Public Health, Valencia (Spain) Training in third-generation sequencing technologies Report

ISFG Short Term Fellowhips awarded in 2022

Recipient Coming from Visiting at Topic Report
Lucía Garrigós Servicio de Huellas Digitales Genéticas, University of Buenos Aires (Argentina) State University of Rio de Janeiro, UERJ (Brazil) Genetic characteristics of the different ethnic groups from Argentina Report
Adam Staadig National Board of Forensic Medicine (Sweden) AFMES-AFDIL (USA) Hybridization capture techniques for SNP analysis Report
Cecilia Catanesi Instituto Multidisciplinario de Biología Celular - IMBICE, CONICET-UNLP-CIC (Argentina) State University of Rio de Janeiro, UERJ (Brazil) HIrisPlex system in Argentina Report
Marisa Faustino i3S – Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde (Portugal) Department of Forensic Genetics and Forensic Toxicology, National Board of Forensic Medicine (Sweden) X Chromosome. Establish mathematical framework to weigh the evidence of unlinked and linked X Chr Report
Mie Rath Refn Section of Forensic Genetics, University of Copenhagen (Denmark) King’s Forensics, King’s College London (UK) Estimation of the chronological age of an individual from biological material Report
Jessica Watson University of Technology Sydney (Australia) Armed Forces DNA Identification Laboratory AFDIL (USA) Implementation of NGS methods for missing persons cases in Australia Report
Anna Hovhannisyan Genetic Forensic Center LLC, Yerevan State Medical University (Armenia) Uppsala University, Department of Immunology, Genetics and Pathology, Genomics and Neurobiology (Sweden) Working with challenging samples: from extraction of DNA to mtDNA typing and SNP phenotyping Report
Sofie Claerhout KU Leuven (Belgium) University of Washington, Seattle (USA) Application of biostatistics and bioinformatics in Y-chromosome for family history and familial searching purposes Report
Laura Catelli Laboratory of Forensic Genetics of the Argentine Forensic Anthropology Team, LGF-EAAF (Argentina) Department of Madrid of the National Institute of Toxicology and Forensic Sciences, INTCFMAD (Spain) Practical training in MPS techniques Report
Miljana Kecmanovic Center for Forensic and Applied Molecular Genetics, University of Belgrade (Serbia) Institute of Forensic Medicine, University of Zurich, Switzerland (Switzerland) RNA profiling Canceled

ISFG Short Term Fellowhips awarded in 2019

Recipient Coming from Visiting at Topic Report
Sofia Antão Sousa University of Porto, IPATIMUP (Portugal) University of Copenhagen (Denmark) Develop a NGS Y-SNP multiplex for resolution of European, African, and American haplogroups Report
Nathan Scudder University of Canberra, ACT (Australia) University College Freiburg (Germany) Explore ethical and policy issues with DNA phenotyping and use of forensic genetic genealogy drawing on developments in both Germany and Australia in two formal meetings and information discussions Report
Rebecca Just FBI Laboratory (USA) Olso University Hospital (Norway) Work on a script to convert STR sequence strings to EuroForMix allele designation format, transfer MPS data for testing, and testing EuroForMix interpretation of MPS data Report
Magali Loyer Laboratorie de sciences judiciaries et de medecine legale, Montreal, Quebec (Canada) Laboratoire de Police Scientifique, Lyon (France) Acquire knowledge on MPS methods for DNA phenotyping and potential to implement in their laboratory Report
Vania Pereira University of Copenhagen (Denmark) DNA Diagnostic Laboratory, State University of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) Assessing differences between ancestry estimates with different marker sets and exploring Y-chromosomal diversity in South America Report
Torben Tvedebrink Aalborg University (Denmark) University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain) Work on ancestry related research questions involving both statistical models and informative markers Canceled
Margherita Colucci University of Leicester (UK) Norwegian University of Life Sciences (Norway) Exploring the potential of massively parallel sequencing (MPS) forensic multiplexes and genome-wide SNP data in relationship estimation with simulations and with real-world data
Kimberly Sturk-Andreaggi Armed Forces DNA Identification Laboratory (USA) Medical University of Innsbruck (Austria) Perform mtDNA phylogenetic analyses on approximately 2000 mtGenomes using EMPOP database and software Report
Byron Freire Paspuel Universidad de Las Américas, Quito (Ecuador) University of Copenhagen (Denmark) Gain experience regarding human identification techniques, sample and data management Canceled
Franco Marsico Banco Nacional de Datos Geneticos (Argentina) Norwegian University of Life Sciences (Norway) Evaluation of the statistical power of DNA-based identification of family groups in their database, which was developed to find the missing grandchildren of Argentina, and to take a course being taught in Oslo during his visit Report
Jorge Ruiz Ramirez Universidade de Santiago de Compostela International Commision on Missing Persons Analysis of tri-allelic markers for the identification of missing persons Report
Julyana da Silva Varela Ribeiro Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro IPATIMUP (Portugal) Y chromosomal lineages in South America Report
Masinda Nguidi DNA Diagnostic Laboratory, State University of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) Medical University of Innsbruck (Austria) Acquire knowledge and training in MPS technology and analyze mtDNA data from three Nigerian population groups Report
Isabela Brunelli Ambrosio Universidade Estadual Júlio de Mesquita Filho (Brazil) IPATIMUP (Portugal) Study Y-STR mutations in father-son duos Canceled

ISFG Short Term Fellowhips awarded in 2018

Recipient Coming from Visiting at Topic Report
Chie Morimoto Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine (Japan) University of North Texas Center for Human Identification (USA) DNA extraction methods, genotyping, and kinship determination from skeletal remains for Japanese missing persons cases from World War II Report
Silvia de Oliveira Loiola Martins State University of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) University of Copenhagen (Denmark) Study ancestry informative markers, analyze data obtained and select best markers, and to gain training in MPS technologies used for mtDNA genome analysis; also plan to follow routines to gain experience from the paternity and crime scene laboratories at the University of Copenhagen Report
Federica Giangasparo King's College London (UK) Medical University of Innsbruck (Austria) Collaborate with CADNAP on canine breed identification using a MPS panel and bioinformatic tools to create a phylogenetic tree of the data Report
Galina Kulstein Institute of Legal Medicine Ulm (Germany) NYC Office of Chief Medical Examiner (USA) Explore protein-based methods for body fluid identification by mass spectrometry Canceled
Domniki Fragou Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Greece) Erasmus University MC Rotterdam (The Netherlands) Work on epigenetics using NGS technology to study DNA methylation in heroin users Report
Viktorija Sukser Ministry of the Interior (Croatia) Medical University of Innsbruck (Austria) Perform mtDNA genome analyses on Croatian population samples Report
Theresa Gross Institute of Legal Medicine Cologne (Germany) King's College London (UK) Perform MPS using the ForenSeq kit to obtain autosomal, X- and Y-STRs and identity SNPs on 1052 population samples from the Iraq Kurdistan region to extend genotypes and allele frequency information beyond currently available CE data from these samples Report
Jeppe Dyrberg Andersen University of Copenhagen (Denmark) Laboratory of Genetics, University of Sao Paulo (Brazil) Conduct forensic DNA phenotyping study in admixed Brailian using SNP multiplexes and pigmentary categorization Report
Jorge Marcelo de Freitas Brazilian Federal Police Department (Brazil) Medical University of Innsbruck (Austria) Discuss Brazilian population data from mitoGenome sequencing and bring compromised human remains for analysis using primer extension capture MPS technology Canceled
Nadia Pinto University of Porto, IPATIMUP (Portugal) DNA Diagnostic Laboratory, State University of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) Analyze data from family trios in X-STRs using Argus QS X-12 and X-Decaplex and work on problems with mutation modeling Report
Olivia Meyer University of Copenhagen (Denmark) University of the Valley of Guatemala (Guatemala) Collect ~500 samples to investigate biogeographical ancestry and pigmentary traits of the Guatemalan population Canceled
Germán Burgos Figueroa Universidad de Las Américas, Quito (Ecuador) University of Porto, IPATIMUP (Portugal) Study Y-chromosome lineages in three ethnic groups from Ecuador Report
Gabriella Mason-Buck King's College London (UK) Jagiellonian University (Poland) Work on the development and implementation of bioinformatic methods and pipeline for microbiome analysis in forensics Report

ISFG Short Term Fellowhips awarded in 2017

Recipient Coming from Visiting at Topic Report
Lode Sibbens KU Leuven (Belgium) University of Surrey (UK) Study of human circadian rhythms and blood-based biomarkers in a forensic context to estimate time of death Report
Runa Daniel Victoria Police, Melbourne (Australia) University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain) Analysis of data from trial of a Global AIMs v2 panel to strengthen prediction of biogeographical ancestry of people from the Asia Pacific region; work with a project team from Australia, Austria, Spain, and Thermo Fisher Scientific Report
Filipa Simão Rio de Janeiro State University (Brazil) Institute of Legal Medicine, Innsbruck Medical University (Austria) Mitogenome sequence analysis with Paraguay samples and training on massively parallel sequencing technology Report
Rui Pereira University of Porto IPATIMUP (Portugal) Rio de Janeiro State University (Brazil) Characterization of a Columbian population with 38 InDels Report
Fabio Oldoni University of Lausanne [Switzerland) George Washington University (USA) MPS sequencing of microhaplotype markers Report
Miriam Ender Institute of Legal Medicine,KSA (Switzerland) University of Oslo (Norway) Compare laboratory processes for investigation of complex relationships and receive training on the Familias software Canceled
Ana Freire Aradas University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain) Jagellonian University Krákow (Poland) Study of age predictive model using DNA methylation Report
Dragana Zgonjanin-Bosic University of Novi Sad (Republic of Serbia) Department of Forensic Sciences and Criminology Dubai (United Arab Emirates) Rapidly mutating Y-STR markers in a new multiplex Report
Carlo Robino University of Torino (Italy) University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain) Biogeographic differentiation of East African and other sub-Saharan African populations Report
Rashed Alghafri Department of Forensic Sciences and Criminology, Dubai (United Arab Emirates) Institute of Forensic Medicine (Serbia) Extracting DNA from challenging samples and analyzing biological material from dead bodies Report
Magdalena Romero Argentine Forensic Anthropology Team (Argentina) Institute of Legal Medicine - Cologne (Germany) X-STR analysis of population samples from Paraguay Report
Iva Gomes Institute of Legal Medicine, University of Cologne (Germany) DNA Diagnostic Laboratory, State University of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) Analyze Argus X-12 data from 500 Paraguay population samples Canceled
Marta Diepenbroek Pomeranian Medical University (Poland) Institute of Legal Medicine, Innsbruck Medical University (Austria) Explore ancestry, appearance, and age in human remains recovered from Polish World War II death camp Report
Sheila Dennis Collaborator with the DNA Analysis Laboratory, University of the Philippines-Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines (USA) College of Veterinary Medicine, North Carolina State University (USA) Analyze STR and mtDNA data from 143 Filipino individuals using Altius, a Cloud-based computing tool for processing DNA sequence data and receive training on Altius Canceled
Julie Burrill King's College London (UK) Biological Sciences Department, Flinders University, Adelaide (Australia) Direct PCR analysis and use of nucleic acid dyes for in situ detection of DNA in touch evidence deposits to improve detection and recovery Report
Lucija Barbaric Ministry of the Interior (Croatia) Institute of Legal Medicine, Innsbruck Medical University (Austria) Mitochondrial DNA sequence analysis of control region reference samples from Croatia Report
Magdalena Buś Department of Immunology, Genetics, and Pathology, Uppsala University (Sweden) Medical University of Innsbruck (Austria) Perform mtDNA phylogenetic analyses on established haplotypes from a Swedish Medieval mass grave using EMPOP database and software and attempt mtGenome sequencing with MPS Report
Mikkel Meyer Andersen Department of Mathematical Sciences, Aalborg University (Denmark) Department of Statistics, University of Auckland (New Zealand) Perform research on lineage marker interpretation and statistical methods for MPS techniques Report
Sohee Cho Seoul National University College of Medicine (Korea) Department of Chemistry, Florida International University (USA) DNA methylation markers for age estimation of human teeth samples Report
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