Fellowship Awards
ISFG Short Term Fellowhips awarded in 2023
Recipient | Coming from | Visiting at | Topic | Report |
Elena I. Zavala | University of California, Berkeley, (USA) | Department of Forensic Medicine / University of Copenhagen (Denmark) | Human DNA recovery from burial soils for HID casework | Report |
Mariano Guardado | Escuela Nacional de Ciencias Forenses/UNAM (Mexico) | Institute of Legal Medicine/Medical University of Innsbruck (Austria) | Phylogenetic analysis of mtDNA genome haplotypes sequenced by NGS of Mexican mestizo population | Report |
Martin Bodner | Institute of Legal Medicine/ Innsbruck (Austria) | Netherlands Forensic Institute (NFI), The Hague (Netherlands) | STRNaming and STRidER | |
Daniel Fernández Ferres | Poder Judicial de la provincial de San Juan (Argentina) | Instituto de Ciencias Forenses (INCIFOR), Universidad de Santiago de Compostela (Spain) | Microhaplotypes | Report |
Erik Bergseth | Oslo University Hospital (Norway) | National Boards of Forensic Medicine (NBFM), Linköping (Sweden) | Hybridization capture technologies | |
Laura Carrara | School of Criminal Justice, University of Lausanne (Switzerland) | Center for Human Identification, University of North Texas (USA) | DIP-STRs analyzed by MPS and application of STRait Razor | Report |
Maria Seidel | Institute of Legal Medicine of Kiel (Germany) | Institute of Forensic Medicine, University of Zurich (Switzerland) | mRNA profiling for identification of body fluids | Report |
Marcin Tomsia | Medical University of Silesia (Poland) | Instituto de Ciencias Forenses (INCIFOR), Universidad de Santiago de Compostela (Spain) | Methylation patterns in cartilage for the development of forensic age estimation markers | Report |
Camila Tamburrini | IdeGen IDEAus-CONICET (Argentina) | University of Oregon (USA) | Investigative genetic genealogy (IGG) in underrepresented populations | Report |
Natasha Arora | Zurich Institute of Forensic Medicine (Switzerland) | FISABIO-Public Health, Valencia (Spain) | Training in third-generation sequencing technologies | Report |
ISFG Short Term Fellowhips awarded in 2022
Recipient | Coming from | Visiting at | Topic | Report |
Lucía Garrigós | Servicio de Huellas Digitales Genéticas, University of Buenos Aires (Argentina) | State University of Rio de Janeiro, UERJ (Brazil) | Genetic characteristics of the different ethnic groups from Argentina | Report |
Adam Staadig | National Board of Forensic Medicine (Sweden) | AFMES-AFDIL (USA) | Hybridization capture techniques for SNP analysis | Report |
Cecilia Catanesi | Instituto Multidisciplinario de Biología Celular - IMBICE, CONICET-UNLP-CIC (Argentina) | State University of Rio de Janeiro, UERJ (Brazil) | HIrisPlex system in Argentina | Report |
Marisa Faustino | i3S – Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde (Portugal) | Department of Forensic Genetics and Forensic Toxicology, National Board of Forensic Medicine (Sweden) | X Chromosome. Establish mathematical framework to weigh the evidence of unlinked and linked X Chr | Report |
Mie Rath Refn | Section of Forensic Genetics, University of Copenhagen (Denmark) | King’s Forensics, King’s College London (UK) | Estimation of the chronological age of an individual from biological material | Report |
Jessica Watson | University of Technology Sydney (Australia) | Armed Forces DNA Identification Laboratory AFDIL (USA) | Implementation of NGS methods for missing persons cases in Australia | Report |
Anna Hovhannisyan | Genetic Forensic Center LLC, Yerevan State Medical University (Armenia) | Uppsala University, Department of Immunology, Genetics and Pathology, Genomics and Neurobiology (Sweden) | Working with challenging samples: from extraction of DNA to mtDNA typing and SNP phenotyping | Report |
Sofie Claerhout | KU Leuven (Belgium) | University of Washington, Seattle (USA) | Application of biostatistics and bioinformatics in Y-chromosome for family history and familial searching purposes | Report |
Laura Catelli | Laboratory of Forensic Genetics of the Argentine Forensic Anthropology Team, LGF-EAAF (Argentina) | Department of Madrid of the National Institute of Toxicology and Forensic Sciences, INTCFMAD (Spain) | Practical training in MPS techniques | Report |
Miljana Kecmanovic | Center for Forensic and Applied Molecular Genetics, University of Belgrade (Serbia) | Institute of Forensic Medicine, University of Zurich, Switzerland (Switzerland) | RNA profiling | Canceled |
ISFG Short Term Fellowhips awarded in 2019
Recipient | Coming from | Visiting at | Topic | Report |
Sofia Antão Sousa | University of Porto, IPATIMUP (Portugal) | University of Copenhagen (Denmark) | Develop a NGS Y-SNP multiplex for resolution of European, African, and American haplogroups | Report |
Nathan Scudder | University of Canberra, ACT (Australia) | University College Freiburg (Germany) | Explore ethical and policy issues with DNA phenotyping and use of forensic genetic genealogy drawing on developments in both Germany and Australia in two formal meetings and information discussions | Report |
Rebecca Just | FBI Laboratory (USA) | Olso University Hospital (Norway) | Work on a script to convert STR sequence strings to EuroForMix allele designation format, transfer MPS data for testing, and testing EuroForMix interpretation of MPS data | Report |
Magali Loyer | Laboratorie de sciences judiciaries et de medecine legale, Montreal, Quebec (Canada) | Laboratoire de Police Scientifique, Lyon (France) | Acquire knowledge on MPS methods for DNA phenotyping and potential to implement in their laboratory | Report |
Vania Pereira | University of Copenhagen (Denmark) | DNA Diagnostic Laboratory, State University of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) | Assessing differences between ancestry estimates with different marker sets and exploring Y-chromosomal diversity in South America | Report |
Torben Tvedebrink | Aalborg University (Denmark) | University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain) | Work on ancestry related research questions involving both statistical models and informative markers | Canceled |
Margherita Colucci | University of Leicester (UK) | Norwegian University of Life Sciences (Norway) | Exploring the potential of massively parallel sequencing (MPS) forensic multiplexes and genome-wide SNP data in relationship estimation with simulations and with real-world data | |
Kimberly Sturk-Andreaggi | Armed Forces DNA Identification Laboratory (USA) | Medical University of Innsbruck (Austria) | Perform mtDNA phylogenetic analyses on approximately 2000 mtGenomes using EMPOP database and software | Report |
Byron Freire Paspuel | Universidad de Las Américas, Quito (Ecuador) | University of Copenhagen (Denmark) | Gain experience regarding human identification techniques, sample and data management | Canceled |
Franco Marsico | Banco Nacional de Datos Geneticos (Argentina) | Norwegian University of Life Sciences (Norway) | Evaluation of the statistical power of DNA-based identification of family groups in their database, which was developed to find the missing grandchildren of Argentina, and to take a course being taught in Oslo during his visit | Report |
Jorge Ruiz Ramirez | Universidade de Santiago de Compostela | International Commision on Missing Persons | Analysis of tri-allelic markers for the identification of missing persons | Report |
Julyana da Silva Varela Ribeiro | Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro | IPATIMUP (Portugal) | Y chromosomal lineages in South America | Report |
Masinda Nguidi | DNA Diagnostic Laboratory, State University of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) | Medical University of Innsbruck (Austria) | Acquire knowledge and training in MPS technology and analyze mtDNA data from three Nigerian population groups | Report |
Isabela Brunelli Ambrosio | Universidade Estadual Júlio de Mesquita Filho (Brazil) | IPATIMUP (Portugal) | Study Y-STR mutations in father-son duos | Canceled |
ISFG Short Term Fellowhips awarded in 2018
Recipient | Coming from | Visiting at | Topic | Report |
Chie Morimoto | Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine (Japan) | University of North Texas Center for Human Identification (USA) | DNA extraction methods, genotyping, and kinship determination from skeletal remains for Japanese missing persons cases from World War II | Report |
Silvia de Oliveira Loiola Martins | State University of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) | University of Copenhagen (Denmark) | Study ancestry informative markers, analyze data obtained and select best markers, and to gain training in MPS technologies used for mtDNA genome analysis; also plan to follow routines to gain experience from the paternity and crime scene laboratories at the University of Copenhagen | Report |
Federica Giangasparo | King's College London (UK) | Medical University of Innsbruck (Austria) | Collaborate with CADNAP on canine breed identification using a MPS panel and bioinformatic tools to create a phylogenetic tree of the data | Report |
Galina Kulstein | Institute of Legal Medicine Ulm (Germany) | NYC Office of Chief Medical Examiner (USA) | Explore protein-based methods for body fluid identification by mass spectrometry | Canceled |
Domniki Fragou | Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Greece) | Erasmus University MC Rotterdam (The Netherlands) | Work on epigenetics using NGS technology to study DNA methylation in heroin users | Report |
Viktorija Sukser | Ministry of the Interior (Croatia) | Medical University of Innsbruck (Austria) | Perform mtDNA genome analyses on Croatian population samples | Report |
Theresa Gross | Institute of Legal Medicine Cologne (Germany) | King's College London (UK) | Perform MPS using the ForenSeq kit to obtain autosomal, X- and Y-STRs and identity SNPs on 1052 population samples from the Iraq Kurdistan region to extend genotypes and allele frequency information beyond currently available CE data from these samples | Report |
Jeppe Dyrberg Andersen | University of Copenhagen (Denmark) | Laboratory of Genetics, University of Sao Paulo (Brazil) | Conduct forensic DNA phenotyping study in admixed Brailian using SNP multiplexes and pigmentary categorization | Report |
Jorge Marcelo de Freitas | Brazilian Federal Police Department (Brazil) | Medical University of Innsbruck (Austria) | Discuss Brazilian population data from mitoGenome sequencing and bring compromised human remains for analysis using primer extension capture MPS technology | Canceled |
Nadia Pinto | University of Porto, IPATIMUP (Portugal) | DNA Diagnostic Laboratory, State University of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) | Analyze data from family trios in X-STRs using Argus QS X-12 and X-Decaplex and work on problems with mutation modeling | Report |
Olivia Meyer | University of Copenhagen (Denmark) | University of the Valley of Guatemala (Guatemala) | Collect ~500 samples to investigate biogeographical ancestry and pigmentary traits of the Guatemalan population | Canceled |
Germán Burgos Figueroa | Universidad de Las Américas, Quito (Ecuador) | University of Porto, IPATIMUP (Portugal) | Study Y-chromosome lineages in three ethnic groups from Ecuador | Report |
Gabriella Mason-Buck | King's College London (UK) | Jagiellonian University (Poland) | Work on the development and implementation of bioinformatic methods and pipeline for microbiome analysis in forensics | Report |
ISFG Short Term Fellowhips awarded in 2017
Recipient | Coming from | Visiting at | Topic | Report |
Lode Sibbens | KU Leuven (Belgium) | University of Surrey (UK) | Study of human circadian rhythms and blood-based biomarkers in a forensic context to estimate time of death | Report |
Runa Daniel | Victoria Police, Melbourne (Australia) | University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain) | Analysis of data from trial of a Global AIMs v2 panel to strengthen prediction of biogeographical ancestry of people from the Asia Pacific region; work with a project team from Australia, Austria, Spain, and Thermo Fisher Scientific | Report |
Filipa Simão | Rio de Janeiro State University (Brazil) | Institute of Legal Medicine, Innsbruck Medical University (Austria) | Mitogenome sequence analysis with Paraguay samples and training on massively parallel sequencing technology | Report |
Rui Pereira | University of Porto IPATIMUP (Portugal) | Rio de Janeiro State University (Brazil) | Characterization of a Columbian population with 38 InDels | Report |
Fabio Oldoni | University of Lausanne [Switzerland) | George Washington University (USA) | MPS sequencing of microhaplotype markers | Report |
Miriam Ender | Institute of Legal Medicine,KSA (Switzerland) | University of Oslo (Norway) | Compare laboratory processes for investigation of complex relationships and receive training on the Familias software | Canceled |
Ana Freire Aradas | University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain) | Jagellonian University Krákow (Poland) | Study of age predictive model using DNA methylation | Report |
Dragana Zgonjanin-Bosic | University of Novi Sad (Republic of Serbia) | Department of Forensic Sciences and Criminology Dubai (United Arab Emirates) | Rapidly mutating Y-STR markers in a new multiplex | Report |
Carlo Robino | University of Torino (Italy) | University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain) | Biogeographic differentiation of East African and other sub-Saharan African populations | Report |
Rashed Alghafri | Department of Forensic Sciences and Criminology, Dubai (United Arab Emirates) | Institute of Forensic Medicine (Serbia) | Extracting DNA from challenging samples and analyzing biological material from dead bodies | Report |
Magdalena Romero | Argentine Forensic Anthropology Team (Argentina) | Institute of Legal Medicine - Cologne (Germany) | X-STR analysis of population samples from Paraguay | Report |
Iva Gomes | Institute of Legal Medicine, University of Cologne (Germany) | DNA Diagnostic Laboratory, State University of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) | Analyze Argus X-12 data from 500 Paraguay population samples | Canceled |
Marta Diepenbroek | Pomeranian Medical University (Poland) | Institute of Legal Medicine, Innsbruck Medical University (Austria) | Explore ancestry, appearance, and age in human remains recovered from Polish World War II death camp | Report |
Sheila Dennis | Collaborator with the DNA Analysis Laboratory, University of the Philippines-Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines (USA) | College of Veterinary Medicine, North Carolina State University (USA) | Analyze STR and mtDNA data from 143 Filipino individuals using Altius, a Cloud-based computing tool for processing DNA sequence data and receive training on Altius | Canceled |
Julie Burrill | King's College London (UK) | Biological Sciences Department, Flinders University, Adelaide (Australia) | Direct PCR analysis and use of nucleic acid dyes for in situ detection of DNA in touch evidence deposits to improve detection and recovery | Report |
Lucija Barbaric | Ministry of the Interior (Croatia) | Institute of Legal Medicine, Innsbruck Medical University (Austria) | Mitochondrial DNA sequence analysis of control region reference samples from Croatia | Report |
Magdalena Buś | Department of Immunology, Genetics, and Pathology, Uppsala University (Sweden) | Medical University of Innsbruck (Austria) | Perform mtDNA phylogenetic analyses on established haplotypes from a Swedish Medieval mass grave using EMPOP database and software and attempt mtGenome sequencing with MPS | Report |
Mikkel Meyer Andersen | Department of Mathematical Sciences, Aalborg University (Denmark) | Department of Statistics, University of Auckland (New Zealand) | Perform research on lineage marker interpretation and statistical methods for MPS techniques | Report |
Sohee Cho | Seoul National University College of Medicine (Korea) | Department of Chemistry, Florida International University (USA) | DNA methylation markers for age estimation of human teeth samples | Report |