ESWG Constitution

Constitution of the English Speaking Working Group of the International Society for Forensic Genetics

  1. Membership of the Working Group is open to all English speaking members of the International Society for Forensic Genetics and may be obtained by application to the Secretary of the Group.
  2. Aims of the Working Group are:
    1. the exchange of experience, quality control and stimulation of cooperation between the members;
    2. making available scientific knowledge and findings in the field of interest;
    3. organisation of scientific meetings but such meetings will be held only after consultation with the Society for Forensic Genetics.
  3. The Working Group is administered by a Board which is responsible for organising any meeting of the Group.
    This Board consists of the Chairman, the Secretary and the Treasurer who are elected by vote for a period of 2 years. The Board represents the Working Group.
    The members must receive annually a statement from the Board.
  4. All members of the Working Group have a vote at any general meeting of the Group.
    An extraordinary general meeting shall be called by the Board if there is an important reason or when it is desired by at least 20% of the membership.
    Any general meeting must be announced at least 6 weeks in advance dating from the postmark on the notification. At a general meeting, decisions are taken by simple majority vote except in the case of changes in the constitution where a two-thirds majority of the members voting must be obtained.
    The general meeting may pass resolutions when at least 10 and, in the case of changes in the constitution at least 30 of the members vote. If this is not the case then again, at least 6 weeks in advance and with the same agenda, the members are invited to meeting. This new general meeting may pass resolutions of members vote. Arrangements for postal voting will be of Board members and for changes in the Constitution.
  5. The business of the general meeting includes:
    1. the taking of decisions about Constitution and changes therein;
    2. election of the Board;
    3. election of sub-committees who are to study special problems.
  6. There will be no membership fee in addition to that payable to the International Society for Forensic Genetics. Therefore, all meeting will be self-financing from the registration fees payable by those attending.
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Last modified 15 years and 4 months ago by Niels Morling