ISFG - International Society for Forrensic Genetics 

WP4: Population database compilation


  • Cooperation with WP1 for the identification of currently used European DNA profiling systems.
  • Establishment of a European database collection for all relevant DNA systems and populations .
  • Dissemination of the database collection to the relevant scientific community per WWW page.


  1. Define a list of currently used DNA profiling systems as well as a list of European populations and ethnic groups relevant for forensic casework.
  2. Define a list of genetic and biostatistical criteria for the selection of representative databases (e.g. sampling procedure, size, allele or genotype collection, etc.)
  3. Search the scientific literature for publications of DNA databases from the relevant European populations and ethnic groups, including the journals "Forensic Science International", "International Journal of Legal Medicine", and "Journal of Forensic Sciences".
  4. Collect databases and provide a compilation in published form as well as in HTML code for electronic dissemination via the World Wide Web.

Last modified 16 years and 3 months ago by Sascha Willuweit