ISFG - International Society for Forrensic Genetics 

Scientific Activities

The main objective of the EDNAP group is the harmonization of DNA typing technology for crime investigations. It has been addressed by organizing a number of collaborative intercomparison exercises, and by discussing the results at the regular meetings of the group.
In two initial experiments, EDNAP addressed the application of single locus DNA probes. This series of experiments finally demonstrated that the results obtained from the participating laboratories were sufficiently close to each other to be used for intercomparison of typing results.
In further collaborative exercises, EDNAP has evaluated several STR loci based on amplification using the PCR for their amenability to standardization. As a result, two STR loci were recommended to be included as "European" systems in forensic stain work.
An additional source for potential variation of typing results is directly related to the trend to automation in PCR fragment analysis. In another collaborative STR exercise, the participating laboratories used fluorescent detection of PCR fragments in an automated DNA sequencing apparatus. The automation of DNA profiling allows a dramatic increase in sample throughput as well as computerized online recording of typing results.
The reliability of STR typing was confirmed in a third collaborative exercise. In this exercise, the participating laboratories (EDNAP and non-EDNAP) were allowed to submit results using their own typing systems in addition to the two standardized "European" systems. This has lead to the selection of a "European standard set of loci" (ESS, which includes the systems THO1, VWA, FGA and D21S11 evaluated by EDNAP in the exercises) by Interpol and ENFSI.
Further exercises have dealt with Y-linked STR systems as well as with mitochondrial DNA polymorphism. Between 1997 and 2000, a network project funded by the European Commission was carried out termed Standardization of DNA Profiling in Europe.
The group identified the increasing need for appropriate quality control in mtDNA databasing and pursued the project EMPOP (EDNAP MtDNA Population Database) since 1999. New laboratory strategies for fail-safe mtDNA typing and mathematical models for a posteriori data analysis have been developed. EMPOP went online in October 2006.
Since 2004, an agreement is in place between the EDNAP Group and the DNA Working Group of the European Network of Forensic Science Institutes (ENFSI) to have "side-by-side" meetings where ENFSI DNA Working Group members are invited to attend the EDNAP meeting, and the EDNAP members are invited to attend the session of the "Philosophy Group" of the ENFSI DNA Working Group. This has helped to intensify the exchange of informations, and to launch collaborative exercises with participation from both groups. EDNAP and ENFSI have closely worked together in 2005/2006 to develop scientific recommendations leading to the extension of the ESS of loci by five more STR markers.
The current activities include a critical evaluation of SNP loci as well as the identification of of body fluids using mRNA analysis from forensic stain samples, and the evaluation of the usefulness of these technologies in forensic genetics. In accordance with the EDNAP guidelines, all results have been published in the scientific literature.

Last modified 11 years and 10 months ago by Prof. Dr. Peter M. Schneider †