Peter M. Schneider Tribute

Passing of Peter Schneider

Pms It is with great sadness that we announce the unfortunate passing of our friend and colleague Peter M. Schneider of Cologne, Germany. Peter greeted everyone with kind words and was a dear friend to many throughout our international community. He has been the heart and soul of the International Society for Forensic Genetics for the past quarter century and served in almost every role as a dedicated ISFG Board member, most recently as secretary. In spite of chronic illness for the past two decades, he continued to give his all in service to others. Multiple European consortium and multi-center grants, such as SNPforID, EuroForGen, and VISAGE, owe their existence to his persistence and scientific leadership. We will miss him, his wisdom, and his insights. May we honor him by going forward and seeking to share our friendship and fellowship with each other as he has done and would like us to continue to do.

John M. Butler
ISFG President, on behalf of the Board

2024 ISFG Congress

Special Session: Peter Schneider Memorial
In Memoriam: Ángel Carracedo / John Butler September 12th, 2024, Santiago de Compostela, Spain.

Peter Schneider Symposium 2023

On May 31, 2023, the Peter Schneider Symposium 2023 was broadcasted live from the Institute of Legal Medicine, University Hospital of Cologne (Germany) in memory and honor of Peter Schneider, on his birthday.
The recording of the sessions is now available for viewing through the ISFG YouTube channel here
This is the "Program”
Thank you to the organizers for such a wonderful tribute and for sharing this with everyone!

2023 Summer School Peter M. Schneider Tribute

As part of the 2023 virtual edition of the ISFG Summer School, a 1-hour online tribute session on August 28, open to everyone, took place to honour our colleague and friend, Peter M. Schneider. During this session, a short video was shown which can be viewed through the following link
All the tribute messages received can be found in this online BOOK
This book aims to express our deepest respect, admiration, and appreciation for Peter. Thank you to everyone who contributed.

GSWG (German Speaking Working Group)


ESWG (English Speaking Working Group)

In memory of Peter M. Schneider (1955-2022) It is with deep regret and sorrow we have been notified of the death of Peter Schneider. Peter was a prominent and highly regarded member of the forensic genetics' community over several decades. At the top of his profession. he was knowledgeable, dedicated, enthusiastic, positive and he generously gave his time freely to all. To the end he stayed open-minded and curious, linking across disciplines, and informing us all of new developments through social media. His observations on developments in forensic genetics and its associated social and ethical implications, he provided us with excellent and continuing advice for the future. Peter was a talented person, a dedicated scientist, and a good friend. He will be sincerely missed.

FSWG (French Speaking Working Group)

In memory of Peter M. Schneider (1955-2022) Over the years, some of the FSWG had the chance to discuss or mail exchange with Professor Schneider on different matters. He has always been of good advice, open-minded and very approachable. The FSWG is grateful for Professor Schneider's work and great involvement in the forensic biology field of expertise. He remained involved until the end by still presenting himself for secretary of the group and is an example of perseverance. Thank you to Professor Schneider for his unwavering commitment.

Ge.F.I. (Italian Speaking Working Group)

In memory of Peter M. Schneider (1955-2022) Our deepest condolences to the ISFG board; we are very sorry for the loss of Peter Schneider and will always cherish the memories we shared with him. The scientific depth of Peter as forensic geneticist t is undeniable, together with the enthusiasm always lavished in research and training, even in the last period despite the serious illness he was a carrier. An example for all of us and especially for young researchers. The GeFI group will always be grateful for the extreme willingness shown in participating in our congresses, most recently at the webinar last February in memory of Prof. Fiori from Rome (formerly ISFG member and founder of the Gefi Group), in discussing our projects for research and in welcoming our young researchers to his Institute. We will miss him very much.

GHEP (Spanish and Portuguese Speaking Working Group)

In memory of Peter M. Schneider (1955-2022)
In memory of Peter M. SchneiderIn memory of Peter M. Schneider

CSWG (Chinese Speaking Working Group)

In memory of Peter M. Schneider (1955-2022) We are deeply saddened by the passing of Peter M. Schneider. He is our dear friend and colleague. He is not only the soul of the International Society for Forensic Genetics, but also our mentor and friend. For 30 years, many Chinese scholars have studied and worked in his laboratories, including in the Universities of Mainz and Cologne in Germany. Under his guidance and help, everyone has benefited a lot, and many of them have grown into academic leaders and academic backbones after returning to China. He also visited universities and forensic DNA laboratories in China and developed a deep friendship with us. We will miss him, his wisdom and his insight. We will follow his example and honor him by moving forward and sharing our friendship.

KSWG (Korean Speaking Working Group)

In memory of Peter M. Schneider (1955-2022) Our deepest condolences to family and colleagues for the loss of Peter M. Schneider. He was a great scientist who inspired many colleagues and juniors and a very kind person who always reached out to help. We will always cherish the wonderful memories we had with him. He will be missed forever.
Peter M. Schneider 박사님의 죽음에 대해 가족과 동료들에게 깊은 애도를 표합니다. 그는 많은 동료와 후배들에게 영감을 주는 위대한 과학자였으며, 항상 도움을 주기 위해 손을 내민 매우 친절한 사람이었습니다. 우리는 그와 함께한 멋진 추억을 항상 간직할 것입고, 영원히 그를 그리워할 것입니다.

PSWG (Polish Speaking Working Group)

In memory of Prof. Peter Schneider It was with great sadness that we received the news of the death of Professor Peter Schneider, an amazing scientist, but above all, a good man. Professor Schneider did not refuse anyone advice and help, he also supported our working group many times with valuable tips and kind words, for which we will always be grateful. We express our sincere condolences to all the bereaved relatives.
Pamięci prof. Petera Schneidera Z wielkim smutkiem przyjęliśmy informację o śmierci profesora Petera Schneidera, niesamowitego naukowca, ale przede wszystkim dobrego człowieka.
Profesor Schneider nikomu nie odmawiał rady i pomocy, wielokrotnie wspomagał również naszą grupę roboczą cennymi wskazówkami i dobrym słowem, za co zawsze będziemy wdzięczni. Wszystkim bliskim pogrążonym w żałobie przekazujemy szczere kondolencje.

ASWG (Arabian Speaking Working Group)

In memory of Peter M. Schneider (1955-2022) We are so saddened to hear the passing of Peter M. Schneider. He has been very supportive to all of our members throughout their journey in Forensic Genetics. As youngest working group, he played a vital role in establishing our group. Peter will never be forgotten for the amount of support he has given to the whole society, he promised to dedicate his life for ISFG and he did, may his soul rest in peace.

EDNAP (European DNA Profiling Group)

In memory of Peter M. Schneider (1955-2022) Peter Schneider led the first collaborative exercise of the European DNA Working Group – EDNAP in the late 1980’th. Peter successfully managed to bridge the very different ideas of European forensic geneticists with strong opinions, leading to a successful harmonization in Europe of RFLP SLP DNA typing in crime cases. Peter continued his work for EDNAP for more than 30 years and co-authored 30 scientific articles from the EDNAP collaboration. Peter facilitated the collaboration between EDNAP and the European Network of Forensic Science Institutes - ENFSI - as well as all other EDNAP partners with his remarkable combination of giftedness, insight, and natural amiability. EDNAP has lost one of the founders of EDNAP and a grandfather of modern forensic genetics.

Last modified 4 months and 10 days ago by Cíntia Alves